Tuesday, April 3, 2007

America Tells It Like It Is!

TRUTHDIG'S Joe Conason advises us to ignore the pundits and bark louder, when confronted with their warnings of Democrat mistakes; if the MSM says it's a mistake, you can be sure Dems are headed up the right tree.

Typos and grammatical errors corrected for ease of enjoyment. Ed.

Comment #61344 by Pete on 3/30 at 7:43 am

You want to rattle the Republican cage? Try these suggestions:

1. Scrap the recent bankruptcy “reform” act and return to the 1978 standard. Put the onus on lenders for stupidity.

2. Investigate the so called “right to work” think tanks. They’re nothing but union busting shills for the American Manufacturers Assn. and the Chamber of Commerce.

3. Charley Rangel is right; bring back the draft especially on the campussies of Yale, Harvard, ad nauseam. Those with the most to defend should be in the front line to defend it.

4. Bring back the Eisenhower tax code. 90% of 450 billion still leaves one with a nice piece of change and presumably a clear conscience for once.

5. Reintroduce the deduction for personal income for the middle class.

6. Restore the guards installed by FDR to prevent another depression, undone by republicans since 1994.

7. Investigate this baloney about “jobs Americans won’t do” like postal worker, pharmacist & nurse.

8. Throw out the H1B visa program. Does anybody really believe that there aren’t enough programmers, chemists or engineers graduating from American Universities?

Iraq has been an expensive subterfuge so that Newt’s “Contract ON America” could be pulled off. Down republicrats,up Kucinich!!!!!!!!!!


Comment #61292 by Ralph David Hill on 3/29 at 9:08 pm

I’m 68. It seems that in recent years the too-frequent subtle shifts in meaning, the subtle rewrites of history -e.g. congressional Democrats voted FOR THE WAR IN IRAQ rather than VOTED TO GIVE BUSH THE AUTHORITY TO GO TO WAR, hoping against hope that that vote would help persuade Saddam to be more forthcoming and saying they expected Bush to use the power given him wisely (he didn’t), using military action as a last resort.

The latter is the way I understood it but (I think) highly skilled Republican operatives & rewriters of history introduced the idea that Congress had voted for going into war. Then Democrats seem to have just accepted that they had voted for the war in Iraq rather than having voted to give Bush the authority to go to war hoping that doing that would actually help to prevent a war.

Looking back of course it’s obvious now that Bush was no one worthy of being given any authority of any kind involving America’s safety, and those who voted to give him the authority to go to war in Iraq had mistakenly believed Bush was someone who could be trusted to act carefully and judiciously. But amazingly, many Democrats seem to have allowed that Republican rewrite to stand.

GOOD TO SEE I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE who hurts to see many pundits and “authoritative experts” treat important things as unimportant, etc. I don’t think the main thing for Democrats is to win points against the Republicans, but rather to reverse disastrous policies for the good of the country and to show up a lot of spin and deception presented with a tone of fairness and objectivity - seemingly the voice of expert authority - for what it really is - RUBBISH!!


Comment #61287 by America on 3/29 at 8:01 pm

Dear Mr. Rove,

Even little old me in podunk Ohio knows you’re a crook. Thanks to the internet I know who you screwed, what you screwed em over for, when you screwed em, where you screwed em, how far and how long you screwed em.

You cannot hide from the American people forever. Your job is not safe and we don’t like you anymore. In fact we never did.

The only thing that keeps you in office is that little white crook in the big white house but that shit can’t last forever and definitely won’t last until 2008. God willing, yes, the same God that you have taunted the American people with and that Bush claims he serves but doesn’t - God willing, Cheney and Bush will be impeached and all of you will wind up in Federal - Pound- Your- Ass prison.

That way instead of screwing over the American People like you have for nearly a decade, you’ll be the one getting screwed instead.

Have a nice day and enjoy it while it lasts, but your time is done son. The media cannot shield you.

We Know!




Comment #61224 by vanjejo on 3/29 at 2:20 pm

To alleviate this problem we could always put this administration under house arrest, elect a “commission” of “appointed” investigators to spend their time and look into it *kind of like the 9-11 commission* The country can be governed by the remaining elected officials who could get on with legislating what is best for the people of America; let Congress work on what they are paid to do, which is listen to us and “insure domestic tranquility”. D O M E S T I C.

I cannot fault Congress as long as they vote by the voices they hear. Read their mail and email and really listen when we call. Vote with American citizens FOREMOST on their minds.

They vote it and they cannot be held accountable if the decider vetos......

Just do the right thing - investigate and demand. Get going and stop stumbling - impeach.

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