Saturday, March 31, 2007

AG Spurning -- Half Price!

Comment by Cookie

March 30, 2007 @ 8:07 am

As far as I am concerned Alberto Gonzales is a disgrace to his race, and I am deeply offended that he is using us now that it is HE that needs US. I among a lot of Latina activists never supported him and questioned LULAC’s wholehearted endorsement of him — not to mention their push to nominate him for Supreme Court (!!!!!).

It’s not that I ever hated Sr. Gonzales, I just didn’t think he was qualified to hold such an important position — and he has since proven his is not. It is becoming common knowledge his appointment was a reward for his ability to get Jorgito out of jury duty when he was Governor of Texas, but that’s another story.

If anything Alberto is a disgrace to our race, displaying all the negative stereotypical qualities that so many of us have tried to disprove — lying, cheating, being ignorant. He has proven himself to be nothing more than an empty suit, and outdone so many other political appointees (read crony) in terms of being inept. Even gangs have a greater sense of pride and honor.

Not only am I offended by Betito playing the race card, I resent it. Let Bush carry his water, and leave Mi Gente alone. We were better off without him.

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