Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ego Peto Verum shows how it's done

This one, long, appeared today on Greg Sargent's article at TPM Cafe:

On March 28, 2007 - 7:36pm Ego Peto Verum said:
Bush is either clearly delusional- passing Karl Rove's gas- or both... Methinks that it is both.

Bush is a stupid man. And, he has bragged about not want to be exposed to:-- divergent opinions- facts that dispute his pre-conceived notions- and/or open discourse.

Ergo, Bush probably believes that the American people (whom he regards with contempt- treats like we're dupes to be fooled- and, tramples & treads upon) will blindly follow him off-the-cliff.

What is tragic is that he has succeeded in fooling a sufficient number of wind-bags who howl loudly-- that Congress actually doesn't realize how angry are the majority of the American people.

Whilst they do not want to do it-- I actually believe that should Congress grow a conscience and shore-up their rubber-spine, that they could perform the following, with the support of the American people:--

1. Cut-off funding for this illegal & immoral war upon Iraq-- which has claimed the lives of over 650,000 Iraqi civilians. Americans now know that the Iraqi people want us out of their country. Americans now know that Bush & Co. and the neo-con traitors (including AIPAC) lied us into their miserable failure.

2. Commence impeachment hearings of Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rove & Gonzales. Americans would be relieved, for they can hardly wait to rid our nation of the this neo-con plague which is a disease upon our Republic.

3. Roll-back the unethical tax-cuts for the richest-of-the-rich & corporations which have both been raping our nation (and certainly have been traitorous, not patriotic) whilst the poor and average Americans have been forced to sacrifice in blood & treasure. Americans will find-out the hard way that the historical-level debt (which will prove $1 TRILLION-- and, is approx.$450 BILLION to-date) will break their backs, whilst the carnage & maiming will break their hearts.

Our nation once respected and admired, is hated around the world. In short, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rove & Gonzales have not only proved to be corrupt, incompetent & insane-- but, they are also contemptible...

Please refer to:--

1. Counting the cost: The figures have now been vindicated by the government's own advisers. It's time we held our leaders to account for the 650,000 Iraqi dead., by Richard Horton

"Our collective failure has been to take our political leaders at their word. This week, the BBC reported that the government's own scientists advised ministers that the Johns Hopkins study on Iraq civilian mortality was accurate and reliable. This paper was published in the Lancet last October. It estimated that 650,000 Iraqi civilians had died since the American- and British-led invasion in March 2003..."...

Continued on counting_the_cost.html ...

2. Terrorized by 'War on Terror': How a Three-Word Mantra Has Undermined America, by Zbigniew Brzezinski

[cont.]..."... The culture of fear is like a genie that has been let out of its bottle. It acquires a life of its own -- and can become demoralizing. America today is not the self-confident and determined nation that responded to Pearl Harbor; nor is it the America that heard from its leader, at another moment of crisis, the powerful words "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"; nor is it the calm America that waged the Cold War with quiet persistence despite the knowledge that a real war could be initiated abruptly within minutes and prompt the death of 100 million Americans within just a few hours. We are now divided, uncertain and potentially very susceptible to panic in the event of another terrorist act in the United States itself..."... [cont.]

Entire article on 03/23/AR2007032301613_pf.html ...

3. The Crushing Fear That Stalks America: The country is not at war. It is the US military that is engaged in an Iraqi conflict, by Robert Fisk

[cont.]..."... And I realise that the girl in Dr Noll's seminar isn't spouting this stuff about "jihadists" travelling from Iraq to America because she supports Bush. She is just frightened. She is genuinely afraid of all the "terror" warnings, the supposed "jihadists" threats, the red "terror" alerts and the purple alerts and all the other colour-coded instruments of fear. She believes her president, and her president has done Osama bin Laden's job for him: he has crushed this young woman's spirit and courage.

But America is not at war. There are no electricity cuts on Valdosta's warm green campus, with its Spanish style department blocks and its narrow, beautiful church. There is no food rationing. There are no air-raid shelters or bombs or "jihadists" stalking these God-fearing folk. It is the US military that is at war, engaged in an Iraqi conflict that is doing damage of a far more subtle kind to America's social fabric..."... [cont.]

Entire article on ...

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