Thursday, June 19, 2008


A little truthout... how can we return to the days when white-collar criminals went to prison? -ed.
In the never-ending pursuit
Thu, 06/19/2008 - 21:00 — Seth Mosgofian (not verified)
In the never-ending pursuit of greater, more unreasonable profits there has been a long and concerted effort by corporations to undermine the rights of working Americans. It significantly reared it's ugly head during the Reagan administration with it's handling of the air-traffic controllers' strike. This was carried forward during the first Bush White House with the attempted passage of NAFTA. Where Republican Bush failed, Democrat Clinton succeeded in pushing NAFTA through and thus helped to further the cause of global imperialism at the cost of workers' rights and standard of living.

In 2000 the United States experienced a coup with the theft of the election by the second (actually third) and more virulent strain of Bush and corporate control of our government became all but complete. Now money talks more than ever. Greed is the creed and too many Congress members of both parties are personally and literally invested in the same corporations (and agenda) that drove Reagan and now George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

The engine that drives this corporate profit-making machine is war, fueled by expendable lives and American tax-dollars. Both Republicans and Democrats are feeding from the same trough. Far too many of them are profiting from war and guilty of helping to support and fund wars. Any war.

Impeachment runs the risk of exposing all those who are culpable, thus it is "off the table". (Clinton's impeachment only threatened Clinton) This is not to say that it shouldn't be pursued, but how else can it be explained that the Democrats were so quick to deny impeachment when our system of checks and balances and our democracy were at stake.

There is no more important obligation of Congress than to derail a runaway Executive Branch that arrogantly ignores the constitution, the rule of law and the will of the people. If the process of impeachment brings the other tasks of Congress to a halt we need a Congress more skilled at multitasking. If Congress thinks it can do business as usual while ignoring an Executive Branch that is busy committing high crimes then our government is seriouly broken and needs a remedial crash course in Roman history.

My heartfelt thanks go to Congressman Dennis Kucinich for his courageous challenge to the worst, most corrupt administration and most negligent Congress in our history, but he cannot succeed without we, the people, getting involved and keeping the pressure on our elected or about to be elected representatives. Thank you Dennis. and don't give up.