Friday, June 13, 2008

Puppet People Rule!

Couldn't have said it better myself...thanks, Mike! [ed.]

Mike Corbeil June 13th, 2008 12:20 am

Bush is not powerful, really; it’s that having the title of President and being puppet of the kind of elites that control and corrupt the U.S. govt, all of this combines to making Bush seem powerful. He’s puppet; though sure is blood-cultist like former Pope John Paul II said in December 2002 or January 2003, when he added that he had also been wondering if Bush might be, or not, the antichrist, but which he was obviously not sure, while being sure in his view of Bush being blood-cultist.

As for the kind of people making U.S. presidents seem powerful, the following articles provide readers with some [strong] exposes on this topic; and the article by Stephen Lendman is not only very strong, it is crucial reading.

The rich elites want everything to themselves, and the following two articles provide important information of a very different kind about these people in terms of their doings of today.

Get ready for some serious “shock therapy” with Lendman’s article. It’s about major and top-U.S. govt corruption, involving boss-man VP Cheney, George Tenet, the CIA, the Halliburton-CIA operatives who aren’t registered as members of the CIA, but who have been found to definitely be secretly referrable to as these types of operatives, majorly robbing U.S. taxpayers like most people have probably never heard of before and might’ve found difficult to imagine, and so on.

It was very dangerous for the courageous CIA agent who managed to be able to definitely learn of and prove all of this major criminality. And through what is revealed in Lendman’s article on what she, this courageous and long-careered CIA agent or official, exposed is a strong illustration of why some people claimed years ago that Cheney had basically taken over authority of the presidential administration; by, and f.e., secretly having documents that are supposed to go to the president, at least first, redirected to Cheney’s office, keeping Bush “out of the loop” about things a president just didn’t need to know, Cheney evidently ruled, secretly.

Kucinich is all the more vindicated in having correctly ruled that Cheney had to be the first one to be impeached, for he [is] definitely more dangerous than Bush, who is mister puppet; with mister puppeteer lurking in the background as VP. I had a strong suspicion that Cheney would not want to be president, for he strategically needed plenty of secrecy in order to be able to carry on his major Halliburton machinations; and the most dangerous of dangerous and elite criminals are those who operate secretly.

” Exposing Bush Administration Corruption

by Stephen Lendman

Global Research, June 11, 2008″

“Barack O’Bilderberg: Picking the President

by Andrew G. Marshall

Global Research, June 9, 2008″

Many machinations of ‘Mal’ kind go on and are going on, while corporate msm “news” media keeps many of us very ignorant sheople; although many or most of them wouldn’t know what’s revealed in Lendman’s above article, but while more certainly knew of the Bilderberg Group’s recent annual meeting in the USA.

It’s not to say that I can personally accuse Barack Obama of having committed a wrong, as described of his (and Billary’s) secret doings, which seriously stunned the press people traveling with Obama’s campaign; stunned and fuming with anger. Andrew Marshall also doesn’t say that Obama committed any wrongs; only presenting the fact that he, and Hillary Clinton, certainly seem to have secretly sped off to a secret meeting with the B. Group.

I’d need more information before being able to form a definitive view, and these types of details are, for now anyway, secret; but, Obama, Billary, etcetera, will also make sure of keeping what they discussed in secret from everyone other than themselves.

While some may be members of both groups, the Bilderberg Group … dwarfs the power of AIPAC, and unlike the latter, the B.G. is HIGHLY, very highly secretive. Again, that is also how the very most dangerous people operate; and we should not forget this. They certainly have ways of guaranteeing that anyone leaking what the B.G. dictates is never to be leaked will never get another chance to repeat the leaked information; permanent silencing is easy for them to ensure.

John Perkins, author of ‘Confessions of an Economic Hit Man’, did not mention the B.G. in the interview that I read the transcript of at Democracy Now!; but what he said is relevant to the above.