Friday, May 23, 2008

Democracy's Finest Power Hour

From a Truthdig article, "Dream On, Hillary," tdbach points out the neocon-like suggestion that Hillary drop out of the race.-ed.

By tdbach, May 23 at 6:15 am #

It's simple

Look, you Obama-ites, it’s pretty simple. The campaign isn’t over, the “last out” hasn’t been made. Oh, how you’d love Hillary call it quits and toddle on home!

But she has a devoted electorate who have worked hard, rooted hard, argued hard on her behalf for over a year, and she’s not going to abandon them now, because you want her to. But she’s tearing apart the Democratic party! No, she’s not. Any more than any other primary campaign tears apart a party. If anyone is damaging the party, it’s Obama supporters like Robinson who want to prematurely silence virtually one half of its members - maybe even more (how many Obama votes came from independents and cross-over Republicans?).

As to Hillary’s fight to restore the voices of voters in MI and FL, why not? The purpose of the DNC sanction was to strip those states’ leaders of an early influence in the election. It was a huge blunder of core Democratic operatives in those states to press on with their primaries despite those sanctions. Absolutely unforgivable. And the DNC was right to not allow them to bully their way to the head of the line. But now that the race has turned out to be so close, it is vitally important that EVERY vote is heard. Hillary’s right: the “rules” of the DNC should be trumped by the golden rule of “every vote counts” if it comes to that. And it does.

Can she win the primary if MI and FL are added to the mix? Probably not. But again, it ain’t over yet. As any baseball fan knows, anything can happen. Why walk away in the 8th inning? Because the other team, with the “insurmountable” lead is afraid of losing by some fluke? Too bad. Fight on like real men and women, and you’ll be stronger for it should you indeed win. Because, despite my analogy, this isn’t a game. It’s the real deal. It could be our democracy’s finest hour. But you want to call the game on account of darkness. Turn on the lights. Let’s go!