Tuesday, April 3, 2007

FUTURE "Illegal Acts at the behest of the Power Structure" Exposed!

This remarker is SO correct in his analysis, it's a relief. Too bad the MSM will never approach the subject.

Comment #61790 by SamSnedegar on 4/02 at 11:26 am

I came late to this party, but it ought to be noted that there is nothing WRONG with dumping as many US Attorneys as the Preznit likes.

What would have and will be wrong is for them to replace the dumpees with new US Attys who will have agreed before taking on the jobs to break the law. How? By engaging in selective prosecution and using a prosecution as did the Starr chamber, to harass and/or eliminate political enemies or opponents.

The Bushitter gang of thugs is quick to point out that they have broken no laws, and they are entirely correct, BUT....... if INTENT could be proven, then their culpability is already in place, just waiting for some evidence with which they can be prosecuted.

We only have heard about the one replacement who was Rove’s choice down in Arkansas, and if there breathes a man with brain so dead that he thinks THIS yahoo is honest, then I have a bridge to sell him along with a ticket on the Madrid lottery. No, NONE of the original planned replacements would have been either honest or expected ever to be so, and the crimes that the planners intended would have been ongoing for years to come.

Unfortunately for me, I do not hold with putting people in jail for planning a bank robbery that they finally figure out is not going to work, so they give up. It is too much like my going over to shoot my neighbor because my dog defecated on his lawn, and I know that my neighbor is coming over to beat my ass because of it, and I fear for my life, so as soon as he opens his door to me, I blow him away with a 12 gauge. Going after people for what they MIGHT do or might have done is stupid, and I won’t countenance it, terrorism or not. It is hard enough to get the evidence to make a real case against someone for what he ACTUALLY DID that broke the law.

And that brings us to the US Atty matter: they broke no laws except by PLANNING for illegal acts in the future. When they commit those acts will be time enough to prosecute them to the fullest.

In the meantime, they got caught with their hands in the cookie jar and didn’t even get a half a cookie to eat. It will go away because there isn’t any thing there.

The scandal, if it exists, is for the public to know what they had to have PLANNED for the replacements, and that it was outside the law. One thing it might do: make it harder than ever to get GOOD men and women to become US Attys, because the implication will always be there from now on that “at the pleasure of the President” means “do illegal acts at the behest of the power structure.”

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