Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hell Games

meremark's analysis...but follow the link to read the article & comments at OpEdNews anyway; it's meremark's last paragraph that made me want to save it. Too bad all the videos were taken down by the time I saw it...


It's a dark hall of smoky mirrors

What Wayne Madsen said (subscription req'd.), in December '06 archives, I use as gospel.

Litvinenko was like a courier, for the plutonium, provided by Isreali-Russian mafia, made to look like it was coming from Putin, to frame Putin.

It was supposed to be in USA around Oct. 24, 25, in 2006. Arriving by an intentionally sloppy, discoverable trail, leading back to Putin. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, a detonation was waiting (from other domestic sources), set to false flag a tragedy and disarray the Nov. 6 elections.

Putin got wise in advance. Litvinenko got wise in advance, that he was going to be 'Lee Harvey Oswald'-ed, (framed), and he reneged, or told them in London he quit. So they (Isreali-Russian mafia ... Mossad, same thing if you like), poisoned him, he knew too much. But their cover was blown. Another courier (still inside Russia) who also knew too much, was murdered, probably at Putin's direction. It was unclear if Putin communicated to Litvinenko, or if they each saw through the plot independently.

One result has been Putin's crackdown on the Israeli-Russian mafia, and he's eliminated some of them, and made activity difficult for the rest. Yet, the principals are deep embeds in Russian politics, and power structure -- like our own USA military-industrial-congressional-massmedia corruption, endemic -- so all the scenes and events reported are filled with double-entendre, double-agents, double-crossers, doubled and redoubled. A dark hall of smoky mirrors ... and live fire.

The essential logistic and tactic now, is that Putin and/or successor what'shisname, controls vital pipes of natural gas and oil to Europe, and can coerce Euro cooperation in turning against Bushbutchery and the mega-psychopaths. You're right, that Putin is a 'good guy' and the enemy of our enemy Bushbutchery; Putin/Russia likes America, and Americans like Russia. It's the psychomonsters who are the outcasts.

One context I use to watch things in, is this. The national sport of America is baseball. The national sport of Russia is chess. Then do comparisons. For example, chess has the possibility of a tie outcome, (stalemate); baseball keeps playing extra innings until there's a winner, unless .... In chess, positioning pieces has both offense and defense components at the same time. And so on. Think about it.

I had foreseen the Oct. 24, 2006, sequel to 9/11 event, in astrology charts ahead of time. It was a mystery when the date came and went with nothing happening. Then Wayne Madsen, independently, two months later, had dug out the particulars and corroborated the target timeframe, Oct. 25ish, for the plot that got spoiled. That's why I put such credence in his version as gospel.

Oct. 24,06, was the second time we dodged the 9/11 sequel bullet. The first was set for Aug. 25, '05, according to my astrology study, but Katrina waylaid it. The third was Aug.20 - 30, '07, ('end of August' was the closest I could come to calculating a date said and certain), and that was the 'loose nuke cruise missile' botch job, out of Minot ND, Aug.30. Apparently. In the insane game they're playing, one possibility is always an 'intentional accidental discovery,' sort of as a feint. They conspire to do it, and only intend to go far enough to see who in the conspiracy breaks ranks and blows the whistle. Then that person is eliminated from future planning ... for the 'real' thing.

My astrology charts are spinning around with hair on fire in the May 1 - June 16, 2008, timeframe. A little narrower is May 3 - 15. And I am strongly isolating on Sunday, May 11, '08, as the 9/11 sequel date, for a number of reasons. Look at just the first one: that date is 'five eleven.'

May 15 is the 60th anniversary of Israel's invasion of Palestine, and where all the modern situation there began, (though antecedent dates are in 1917, and, if you really trace the threads back, Napoleon promised Euro-Zionists he'd get them a Middle East 'homeland' back around 1810, that's where it really began), anyway, Dumbo junior jughead is scheduled to be in Jerusalem for the May 15 occasion. Our false flag watch should be on high alert whenever Dumbo's out of town. ... one trick is if he don't come back, and any lie can be told to explain what happened why he didn't ... his astrology chart is very acute at that date. Very.

Big daddy-o, of course, is the one to watch, the one calling the shots, the one behind it all. In the 'human nature' psychology of it, one thing going on is what I've been calling a 'reverse oedipal complex,' and that's supposed to give a hint at the direction and drift of 'personalities.' Stay tuned, I'm working on it. Goofy bozo Tommy looney tunes, here, of course takes all this reconnoitered info back into the dark bunker hall of smoky mirrors, and for some discovered date being announced here, could conceivably be countered there, by rescheduling the date. What shell is the pea under?

And I've been looking more and more at the plausibility that there is no violent explosion used to 'touch it off,' (whether 'it' is the Iran invasion -- I say that ain't gonna happen; or 'it' is martial law; or both), and one non-incendiary possibility is simply to close all the banks and unplug the ATM machines, coast to coast. Then what does that look like?

by meremark (1 articles, 3 quicklinks, 330 comments) on Friday, March 21, 2008 at 6:02:02 AM

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