Wednesday, March 19, 2008

By Stonicus...

Good One, Stonicus; the "oh, well, you lost" mentality started at the 2000 Bush selection. I remember it as the day I woke up. Chris@#2, however, likely needs further education or skills in order to learn the difference between you, your, and you're.

by Stonicus:

Quoting Chris@#2: "Maybe Jack and his brother should get an education or skill that will allow them to be flexible in the market economy when its in a down cycle. This is a normal business cycle people, sometimes you (sic) up, sometimes your (sic) down."
Make sure you tell that directly to Jack and his brother when they’re breaking into your house to rob you because they can’t find work and are starving. Then maybe you can understand how “oh well, you lost” is a bad paradigm for how to treat our population and how it hurts everyone, even the winners. I’m gonna buy you a bumper sticker that says “America, No Second Chances!”

Keep bankrupting people, telling them it’s their fault, and mocking them. How long before they decide to stop playing the game and start a new one, with new rules? Imagine playing Monopoly with 3 friends. You have Boardwalk and Parkplace and all the red properties with hotels and $10k cash. Everyone else has no money and all their property is mortgaged. How long do you think they’ll keep playing just to satisfy your ego?

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