Sunday, June 22, 2008


Truly Sickening are the Articles of Impeachment; also the linked story. -ed.
#48 dogismyth Says:

Certainly you have heard of the supposed theory of why all this is occurring now.

1. McCain will resign from the presidential campaign within two months of the election, and a new candidate will step in.

2. Bush/Cheney will resign or get impeached before years end, and likely before the election.

3. Once this all occurs, Americans will trust their government again, and the final fleecing will occur, which will be rather painful for millions. In other words, its a big setup for many still sleepy Americans.

The American people are quite stupid, so stupid that they have yet to voice demands about the wrongdoings by this administration as well as the complicity of democrats (since they have known all the while about torture and other illegal deeds). Americans are still worried about their SUVs and big screen TVs, and planning vacations and other bullcrap while ignoring the outright and blatant misdeeds by our politicos.

It is the government now screaming at us with all this evidence. They are asking for us to force them to correct the situation, but we sit idly by with our thumbs in our mouths.

I am an American by birth and not by choice. Yes I have enjoyed luxury here in the U.S., but I have also had the truth about nearly everything hidden from me since the first years of school. This is a disgusting country and never did stand for any of the omnipotent objectives we herald. We are weak, fat and complacent and abhor critical thinking. Even our Canadian friends see us as fools.

I am sick of seeing people who wave their flag, wear the flag, hang the flag in their trucks. They are full of the poison and are hopeless since drinking the koolaid from birth. They offer their patriotism as a solution which is nothing more than a proud and egotistical person with a closed mind. They are as useless as the people leading us down this horrible path of destruction.

When I see Koreans marching in the street by the tens of thousands about an issue related to food consumption, I admire those people for their integrity, willpower and fortitude. Americans would never have the nerve, compassion or time to protest an issue of comparable meaning, let alone demonstrating for the impeaching of one, two or all 535 officers of our government. Most people I talk with do not have a clue what is occurring, what has happened, and what is to occur…even my family!

We ourselves are the insidious parasite that has destroyed our personal life, and others in our midst. It is not the government, because WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT. So shove that excuse where the sun doesn’t shine.

I have to ask myself where are the organizations that are suppose to be consolidating our demands and exposing the corruptness. Unfortunately, they are the same poison and are now drinking from the same well as those that lead us astray. They are all corrupt (my opinion) and have yet to rally Americans behind a single cause. There cause is simple and that is to provide comfortable and highly compensated positions within a tax-free, or tax exempt, organization. Its pretty easy to make it look like you give a damn, but actually getting something done, or action, is not what we are seeing. I gave up on MoveOn after they decided to take on the worthy cause of Al Gore, and global warming. They sought millions of signatures to be placed on a petition that was sent to the government to deal with this issue. BUT it is a non-issue and if you had done your homework you would know that global warming is a hoax perpetuated by the same folks that have caused the banking crisis, the food crisis, the oil crisis (yada,yada,yada). When you begin paying for a carbon tax on nearly any purchase you make, you will understand. I even wrote MoveOn and sent the appropriate articles, references and documentation regarding the hoax of global warming, yet they spent valuable time and money move the public in the wrong direction. Whose pocket are they in????

Where are the Americans?!! What the hell is wrong with them!?! What are they waiting for???

Required video watching for all Americans is the Ring of Power (parts I and II). I would recommend reading something but I doubt most Americans could grasp such a task. In any case, the RIng of Power sums up the lies and lying liars since the time of the pharoahs. In essence, most everything you have learned in school was a lie. Your life has been a lie if you have relied upon the lies and disingenious principles taught to you in school, heralded from political platforms and broadcasted across all media sources.

Wake up Amerika…or its going to get a lot worse. Really…
Posted June 22, 2008 6:33pm

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