Saturday, April 7, 2007

GOPwarts' War OF Terror

From WORDS OF WISDOM by Richard Power, the only thing wrong here is this:

"Indeed (they) have sided with those who attacked us on 9/11 against those who would have helped us destroy them."

To which I say, "those" people never attacked us on 9/11. Bush/Cheney/CIA, etc., just made it look like they did, just as they're promoting/financing what Pakistani tribe Jundullah is doing to Iran now. Bush/Cheney/CIA wouldn't be able to control "those" terrorists the way that they do, if they were really the enemy.

Think about it. And let the 9/11 Truth movement climb another step toward exposing the monsters. Ed.

Here's the rest of Richard Power's SPOT ON statement, in context:

Bush-Cheney does not want peace or stability. It does not even want vengence. It wants empire, and it is willing to wage perennial war for it. Bush-Cheney is not running a "war on terror," it is running a war IN, OF, BY and FOR terror.

Indeed they have sided with those who attacked us on 9/11 against those who would have helped us destroy them.

When will the US mainstream news media back away from this treasonous cabal?

Probably never.

The corporatist stranglehold on the US government is in the media moguls' best interests, or so they think.

And Speaker Pelosi, who is third in the line of constitutional succession, is dangerous to them. She symbolizes the restoration of the Republic.

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